::Forever Dreaming Of Dream Street:: Greg~Chris~Frankie~Jesse~Matt
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Welcome To Forever Dreaming Of Dream Street!
Hope you all like my new site devoted to the Hotties of Dream Street!



7/27/02- Added some things to the News section, and added some more fan quotes in the humor section.

7/15/02- Added new pic at the bottom of this page. And updated the News On Ds! I added a Pic to the bottom of the HUMOR section scroll all the way to the bottom... it is worth it IT IS SOOOOO funny!!

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Dream Street

News On DS!
Added July 29th--> Greg and Jesse are in a commercial for Charmin on Radio Disney. Greg sings the first part and then Jesse joins in. Listen Up For It!!

Added July 27th--> The Greg website has been updated with more support letters.

ther was a "Cleberity Blooper" about Matt in Teen People here's what it said-

(Dream Street)

"We were in Pennsylvania in a really nice hotel with a pond in the loby. We were really late for a radio concert, and I tripped and fell into the pond. I had an extra pair of pants but no underware. I had to do the entire concert commando."

also in the Teen People Mag, that i was goign to throw away cause i really never read it. i was just flipping through it and saw that thing about matt, but anyway, i gave the mag to my friend Rachel after i cut out the pic and artical about Matt. She told me later on that she was reading an artical about this girl and it said where the girl went to school. and it is CHRIS'S SCHOOL!!!!! she she wasnts to call the girl. lol

Added July 15th--> The Greg Raposo has been updated on the ASK GREG section.

~Jesse is in a commercial! Look for him in the Sunny Delight commercial, he is wth a few other boys in the commercial. AWESOME! he is such a hottie!

~Added July 8th~--> "I've been hearing a lot about campaigns to either send mean email and snail mail messages to Maryann Raposo and the other Dream Street parents and/or to the producers, Dream Street Entertainment, based on information, rather RUMORS, that have been passed along from fan to fan. I would like to advice everyone not to participate in these campaigns. The full story is not out in the open, and many lies have recently been made up about the parties involved. The responsible action to take is wait until there is a verdict, and then express your feelings once all the facts are out in the open. Both parties are currently burdened enough by the actual lawsuit, and there is no reason to make the situation more difficult for anyone."~KIM(Thanks DODS)

~Added July 3rd~--> *~*~NEWS FLASH!!*~*~
I have some news about the trial, there is a rumor that they lost the trial and are breaking up. well They didn't loose the trial YET, the judge has not made her final desicion.

"I have been getting so many e-mails from fans.I am Not allowed by the courts to really comment on the situation. All I can say is that the judge has not made her final ruling. I will also sat that it is true Chris has sided with the producers (Brian & Louie). Greg, Matt, Frankie and Jesse appreciate all the support of their fans. Keep The Faith and Keep The Boys In Your Prayers, Thank You, Maryann Raposo." (Thanks DODS)

~Added June 30th~--> Unfortunatly, Jesse's show that he filmed "The Legacy Of Cameron Cruz" was not picked up by Nickelodeon..because they couldn't find a space for it. (I don't know why they couldn't take some of the other stupid shows like CHALK ZONE...what kind of show is that?!, off the air!) well hopefully another station will pick up the show and put it on the air. CROSS YOU FINGERS!

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