Frankies' Pics!
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I wish i could put more pics on this page but i am only putting the good ones on here because they don't give u as much room on the second and third exc. pictures pages as they do on the 1st 1. so oh well.

He is definatly a hott 17 year old! lol
Mine all Mine!
He is my ANTI-DRUG!
A Crime Has Been Committed
He should be put in jail for such a crime...I will kill some1 so i can be put in jail with him haha!
I love this pic! lol
Can u Figure it out!?
OK this is the best pic ever! if u know what i mean!!!! lol!
Pop Star
I really think this is the hottest picture i have ever seen of him... well besides the 1's where he doesn't have a shirt on! :)
He is such a cutie
I love his smile! it drives me crazy lol!