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**Please note that when you get to the interviews, thoes r not the full interviews, they r the things in the interview that i thought to be funny and/or interesting.

Added 7/9/02 -->
Kerry: Chris, how long do you spend on your hair?!

Chris: My hair! I've actually gotten it down to about 10 minutes now. When it grows out too long it can take, like, a half an hour. But, yes, about 10 minutes... on a good day.

Kerry: Oh my gosh! Do you have any concerts that were very memorable to you?

Chris: Oh, gosh, yes. There was this one concert at Nassau Coliseum in Long Island... it's about as big as Madison Square Garden. We got to perform with every celebrity that we dreamed of performing with. Everyone there was screaming out Dream Street's name throughout the concert. When, meanwhile, you have, like, Jessica Simpson on stage. I mean, the support was outrageous. If anything, we thought we'd get booed off the stage, but they were giving us more support than anybody. I was so happy... I started crying! We were all hugging each other and we were all really emotional because we were so happy.

Kerry: What do you think about the girls who stalk you?

Chris: Ha ha. Honestly I think it's a form of support. Even though some people might call it stalking, I think it's a compliment more than anything.

Kerry: Sweet. What was the craziest thing a fan has ever done for you?

Chris: I tell all my fans how much I love blue crabs and how much I like to eat them and everything. Ya know, some of my family is from Michigan, the Home of the Crab. So one fan brought me during the summer a Tupperware full of crabs... live, blue crabs. They were crawling everywhere! It was kind of scary actually.

Kerry: Do you get hassled by guys or by your friends now?

Chris: Yeah, kind of. I know they are joking. They're not very serious when they're like, Oh, Dream Street... boy bands! (in a mocking voice). They always kid around so it's not like I take it personal. But, a lot of kids who hate Dream Street, they know in their hearts what we know... how long we've been doing this. So, its not like I get too offended by it. And girls shut them up normally. They're like, `Shut up!'

Kerry: What separates you from other boy bands?

Chris: Our age. I don't know of any (other) boy band out there that's our age. And, ya know, we don't lip sync, we work very hard, we dance throughout every number. I know N'Sync does that, also. I think it's just us two groups that kind of dance our butts off! But we are the only group out there for younger girls. I know a lot of younger girls can't find a guy or a boy band out there that's our age. So we kind of fill that gap.

Kerry: Ya... the 6-year-olds liking 30-year-olds is kind of sketchy.

Chris: Ha ha! Ya... and we're not married yet!

Kerry: Nice! All right, what's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you?

Chris: Like three or four times my shoe has fallen off on stage! But, it's always just funny.

Added 7/8/02 -->
"Hey, we're Dream Street and we're coming your way."
Chris- "That wa so, like, not good. That was so bad can we do it another way?"
Greg- "Hi I'm Greg and I'm 42. 15. So I guess I'm 15 and a half or something like that."
Jesse- "Hey what's up? My name's Jesse and I'm 13 years old and I'm single."
Matt-"My Name's Matt Ballinger, I'm 15. My birthdays In April. I wanna make a lot of money!"

Frankie- "I always like the fact that when you stop at a stop light, and when it turns green you just go."

"Jesse loves feet!" Greg said this in popstars mag.

Greg~ I'm a normal kid when I'm at school, then I transform myself via yoga and come here.

Matt~ We arrived very late Thursday night, just in time to check into the hotel and go to sleep, only to realize Chris left his luggage behind in New York.*good one*

Greg~ During the bus ride my shirt accidentally flew out the window.

Jesse: Matt is the only one who brings homework with him to our rehearsals, He has a 95 average!
Greg: Our parents are always saying, 'Why can't you be more like Matt?'
Jesse: Matt has a deer as a pet, he lives in a tent
Matt: I do not
Chris: Jesse has a chipped tooth
Matt: I cannot work under these conditions!I need a drink!

Frankie says he doesn't even tell kids at the private parochial school he attends that he's in Dream Street. "It doesn't go over very big in an all-boys' school" (LOL)

Greg~I love Jester! (SO DO I!!!lol)

Matt~I want to be on Temptation Island.*'course u would!*

Greg~ Though I am a Britney Spears fan I like her because I think she's really hott. I don't really listen to her music. I like her the same way most guys do.

have you ever been frightened by a fan?
Chris: LOL! Oh yeah! When we are on stage and we get too close to the stage and they grab us and won't let go.
Greg: Some girl almost pulled me off the stage!

Give me 3 words to describe your fans....
Frankie: Crazy, Dedicated, and The Best!

if you were trapped on a desert island what three things would you bring with you?
Chris: I would take a girl, a TV, wait... I can't plug that in, matches, and I don't know... and a bathing suit.
Matt: Lacrosse stick, a car, and some water.
Greg: a boat, and that's it!
Frankie: a knife, matches, and a girl! (I wanna be the girl!!)

Added 7/4/02--> **Interview With Matt**
~What do you see in your future?
-Do u mean in like 1 year or like in 5 years? Lets say in 5 years. OK then in 5 years I plan to be in college (Williams or Washington)

~What do you wants to be?
-I want to be an Investment Banker because u make lots of money and I want to be rich.

~Have you ever been in love?
- NOPE..not yet

~Do you have a girlfriend?
- .... single

~Do you think crazy fans are scary?
- I wouldn't say scarey...they all just make me and the guys laugh because they get so wild.

~Have fans ever come to your house?
- I think so but I'm not sure, like the other day there were three random girls playing kickball outside my house, I went outside in my yard but they just stared at me and didn't talk so I went back inside.It was pretty funny

~How did you get so HOT?!
- *laughs* All the genes... all the genes! *laughs again..*

Added 7/3/02 --> **Interviews**

TBM: Which one of you is considered the shy guy?
Greg: There is really no shy guy cause considering we're performers we're pretty crazy and stuff. I guess the quietest uh, I think, um, um, I think I'm maybe one of the quietest off stage. But, I know when we get on stage, it's like totally another thing. You just get all crazy and stuff ya know.

TBM: How about the funny one or the jokester?
Frankie: Um, Matt's a pretty funny kid. He's tells a lot of jokes. Comes up with a lot of random stuff. But, uh, he's a funny kid, he keeps us on our toes.

TBM: Who's the messy one?
Greg: Jesse is!
Jesse: I'd say probably Matt.
Greg: Messy Jesse!
Jesse: I'm not a mess...even though it rhymes with my name. I think Matt is a pretty messy kid. Where is he? [looks around] He, he's not even here. Yeah, he's pretty messy. You should see his bunk on the bus.

TBM: How about the smart one?
Chris: Matt...again! I think you're just in love with Matt or something. He's uh, everything you've asked so far. He's got a 97 average.

TBM: How about the girl magnet?
All: Matt! That's Matt. [laughing...hard]
Frankie: Certain fans like certain kids in the group. So we all attract certain people.

TBM: Do you hang out together on your day off?
Chris: Uh, yeah, sometimes we do. Sometimes we just need a little break from everything. So we just spend time in our bedrooms and chill out. But yeah, we like to hang out together.

---> The messy one just got here.
Matt: Oh, thanks guys!
Greg: To every question, we're like, yeah that's Matt

TBM: Are you afraid of anything?
Greg: Snakes.
Matt: I'm afraid of rabbits. They're pretty scary. [they all laugh at him] (EDITORS NOTE: He really is the funniest one!)
Chris: No, we're not afraid to much.
Greg: I'm afraid of Matt.
Chris: Yeah, I'm afraid of Matt.
Jesse: Matt is a PSYCHO!
---> They all laugh at Matt again!
Matt: [shrugging] What can I say?

TBM: What is the worst thing that has happened to you on stage?
Chris: Uh, shoe falling off.
Jesse: Uh, Greg accidentally fell.
Chris: He jumped up on a monitor, and it fell out from under him.
Greg: I just fell over.
Jesse: He just landed on his butt. Really hard.
Chris: We kept on going. It was funny.
Matt: He got pulled off stage.
Chris: Oh, Jesse forgot his mic two nights ago.
Frankie: Oh, yeah!
Chris: No, last night.
---> They start "arguing" over what night it was.
Greg: On stage, without a mic.
Matt: He got on stage and goes, "Oh crap!" He said, "Dream Street", and he goes, "Oh no! My mic!"
Greg: So we did half the first number without him.

(Different Interview)
~So, I know you guys Knew I was going to ask you this but, Do any of you have girlfriends?

All: [sighs] No........

Chris: Well there is Lindsay I'v been going out on dates with her for awhile She's been Really cool (ERR! I HATE LIDSNEY LOHAN! lol)

~Is there anybody in life thats a royal pain in the butt?

Matt: Jesse-look at him.

Jesse: [punches matt] Shut up dill hole! (OMG LOL!)

~So do you guys Act like brothers or Band partners?

Frankie: Brothers we fight and punch alot.......[looks at Jesse] as you can tell!

~Why is Matt poking me?

Matt: Oh Sorry I didn't know I was. [grin on face]

~Would you guys ever consider dating a fan?

Chris: Sure why not Fans are people too.

Jesse: Oh Yeah! [everyone laughs]

Matt: Of corse! We have a lot oh hott fans!

Frankie: As a matter of fact I went on a date with a fan She was really cool!

Greg: Yeah I could. That would be nice but I wouldn't want her talking about Dream Street the whole time![laughs]

~So guys any celeb crushes?

Matt: Shakira, Shakira, Shakira!.................[5 Seconds later] Oh and britney Spears.

Chris: I like JLo and Britney Spears!

Greg: No other than Britney Spears!

Jesse: I Think britney spears is hot![delvilish look on his face]

Frankie: Britney Spears and jennifer Lopez are cool!

Why are you guys so Hyper?

Frankie: We Ate to much today I guess?

~Oh ok, Well guys Its been nice talking to you and You guys are great! See ya soon! any messages to the fans?

All: people are going to read this?

All: Oh crap![all laughs] Just kidding. Nice talking to you to See ya!

Jesse:[As I walk out of the room] Matt likes you!!!

Matt:[sighs in disgust] Jesus.

All: Bye again.

(Jesse Interview)
What's the most outrageous thing a fan has done when they met you?

We've had some pretty crazy stuff happen. In the middle of signing [autographs], we've had girls jump on the tables and the tables have collapsed. We had to go get another table. One of the guys in the group, his shoe was loose. One of his shoes fell off in the middle of the dance, and a girl started running with the shoe.

(Chris Interview)
StarShine: Now have you been in the business your whole life?
Chris: I have…um, I've always, um I've been you know performing since I was three years old. I was the first-the first performance I ever did was with a, I was with a um studio…they taught me how to sing, act and dance, which was really cool for me because I wanted to do everything and I think what we did is, we turned senior citizen homes and we performed for the senior citizens and I think I made my first buck from a senior citizen (laughs). She goes "here you go kid" and I remember I got a two dollar bill because they weren't quite, they weren't extinct you know? (laughs again) So she goes, "these are going to be really fam-you know, these are gonna be really what do you call it? These are gonna be valuable one day, so she was like "here you go"…and I was like, I was like "Oh my gosh!" (dramatizing with his hands)

StarShine: Did you keep it?
Chris: I still have it…I still have the very first dollar I ever made.

StarShine: So you should frame it…
Chris: I do. I have it framed…I have it by my bed and I, I look it at it everyday actually and…

StarShine: Kind of like a reminder…
Chris: (agrees) A reminder, it really is. I look at it and I'm like "Oh my Gosh" or I remember that day…I was so excited and I still am to this day, every time, you know I get my first, you know loud scream of the day and my first you know adrenaline rush…I…I still feel it so it's still a big part of me, that first dollar I ever made.

(PI Interview)
PI: What is the best gift you have gotten from a fan?

Chris: Halie (3rd Faze) gave me this soccer ball once yeah she's just really cool!

Matt: Halie bought me a um, dirt bike! Yeah!

Chris: She bought Matt a dirt bike? What!? No!

Frankie: A lot of our fans give us necklaces.

Chris: We get so much candy, I could open up my own candy store of Sour Patch Kids.

Jesse: We have to change our favorite candy dude

Chris: We should trade each other because I cannot eat sour stuff anymore, we also get a lot of awesome shirts and signs.

(Different Interview)
~How many sunglasses do you have Chris?
Chris: I think about hundred or so. But these ones are my favorite because they are not off the street. Believe me the ones off the streets of New York are the best, but these ones are the real McCoy. So I like wearing these ones the most.

~If we were do go to your CD player right now, what would CD would we find in it.
Frankie: Well right now I have N Sync's new CD in it. Which Chris kinda wrote all over today.
Chris: I think I have the N Sync CD in my laptop. I am really digging their new CD it's different.
Frankie: Chris wants to be like me.
Chris: Oh Yeah

~We mentioned to some people that we were going to interview you guys. We got like 20 e-mails with questions for you guys. The one question that kept coming up is. Are you guys singled.. married or what?
Frankie: Well I have 3 children at home.
Chris: I'm their Godfather.
Jesse: I am actually engaged.
Greg: Nah we are all single.
Matt: We are single and loving it.
All: Yeah
Chris: Its good to be single, nah its just that we are really busy

~Please describe the person to your right.
Greg: Jesse is the youngest of the group. Considering he is the youngest he is pretty cool. I usually don't have out with 14-year olds, but hes cool for 14 years old.
Jesse: Thanks Greg, you're the man.
Frankie: Greg got his hair highlighted so it looks cool. We are the two Italians. Greg is cool and a good friend. He loves pizza and pez. He's a very nice kid.
Chris: Frankie is the oldest of the group. He can be serious at times, but he can be crazy and fun to hang out. He also got the spiky hair too, so we share that little thingso yea hes cool.
Matt: Chris is not into dancinghe is most likely to be in punk rock band just kidding. Completely the opposite. He has really cool hair. He likes sun glasses. He is the flirt of the groups, gets a lot of the girls.
Jesse: Matt is the most random kid you'll meet in your entire life. Hes a ballet dancer..haha..just kidding. Matt is a really fun kid to be around and he always makes you laugh. He likes to play lacrosse and hes really good. He drive a Ford Explorer yeayea over all hes a great kid.

~Do you guys have any embarrassing moments on stage you would like to share?
Chris: My shoe fell off on stage. Oh and one time I had to much energyand I did this move and my finger grabbed the chain and I yanked it off and just threw it in the audience. Butthen I kicked and my shoe flew and it went straight up.
Frankie: And he stopped and just said Ooopps!
Chris: Yea, I wanted the fans to get a laugh out of it, instead of them saying..Are you alright?
Jesse: It felt like his shoe was up in the air for like an hour!

~Where do you see yourselves in 5 years?
Matt: On the beach in St. Thomas. Playing golf.
Frankie: Hopefully the group will still be around. On the level of like Nsync or Backstreet Boys or higher. That would be cool
(OMG that is sad because they might not be around much longer! sniff sniff!)


He's physically 16, mentally...I don't know. - Chris talkin about Greg

He has nightmares about some strange fan cornering him and trying to kiss him -Frankie talkin about Jesse

He calls me little one and I am taller than him -Jesse talking about Matt

Jesse is resting his brain, he says it's farted out -Matt

When Jesse and Matt go shopping they shop like 2 girls -Frankie

Holy Shit! -Matt

*This is some stuff that fans asked Greg on his web site that i thought were kinda funny!*

Hey Greg... first of all, great job at the Thanksgiving parade. I was wondering, did you like having the cheerleaders perform with you guys? (Anna from New Jersey)
Greg- How could I not.. The part I didn't like was the fact that they were dancing behind the float. I almost fell off the float trying to look behind us. LOL

Hey, I was just wondering if having tons of crazed fans outside your limo banging on the windows like at the concert in Lowell is scary to you, or do you sort of think it is cool?? (Margo from Beverly, Ma)
Greg-I thought it was really cool. I've seen pictures of it happening to the Beatles and you always see it happening in movies , but that was one thing that had never actually happened to Dream Street. It was awesome though. The windows were so tinted on the limo that no one could see us making funny faces through the window. Or atleast I hope no one was able to see us.

I was wondering if you had a good Christmas and in the Dream Street Live VHS/DVD when you were singing "I Say Yeah" why didn't you have sunglasses on? (because everybody else did). (Karol Anne from North Carolina)
Greg-I had a great Christmas. Thanks for asking. As for the WWF concert I believe that my sunglasses fell off during the dance. They were new glasses and not as tight as they should have been. When I reached down to pick them up they had already been trampled on by Jesse.

*Quotes from the fans*

~I wrote (Fav.DS Member) name on paper but i threw it away,
i wrote (Fav.DS Member) name on my hand but i washed it the next day,
i wrote (Fav.DS Member) name in the sand but the waves washed it away,
i wrote (Fav.DS Member) name in my heart,
and 4eva it will stay!!!

~My anti-drug- Christopher Trousdale!!!

~Loving Dream Street is like breathing, I can never stop.

~i luv (Fave Ds Member) o yea i do he's all 4 me and not 4 u and if by chance u take my place ill take my fist and smash ur face!

Matt's Shirt- 50 dollars
Matt's Pants- 75 dollars
Matt's Boxers- 15 dollars
All that on my bedroom floor in the morning- PRICLESS!

If u have any quotes send them to me at

These r rumors that i have gotten from places and i hope this clears everything up 4 u all!

::Rumor:: That Frankie was on steroids?
::Answer:: LOL no that is false! But he does have great abs!

::Rumor:: That Chris's dad passed away?
::Answer:: Chris's STEP-dad passed away in 99'...That is why they don't sing 'Matter Of Time' at concerts cuz it reminds him of his step-dad who was like a real dad to him...God Bless him...

::Rumor:: Is it true that jesse likes feet?
::Answer:: LOL I have never heard that but that might be true!....I don't think it is...cuz why would you like feet? that is a confusing rumor....I believe that Greg once said that "Jesse likes feet" but he said it sarcasticly

::Rumor::That chris had a gf ever since he wus 5!!!! Is that true? and they said he just broke up wit her???
::Answer:: It is true that Chris had a girlfriend at a young age and thought he was in love or something like that...but I think they broke up a long time ago...but then again I don't know his love life so I am not positive.

::Rumor:: Jesse is a drugy? And he is also a drug dealer?
::Answer:: LOL hmmm no he isn't hopefully he played a drugy on AMC so that is where you may have gotten the idea...but as far as I know he doesn't do drugs and is not a drug dealer.

::Rumor:: Did Jesse get a girl pregnet?
::Answer:: No that is a FALSE rumor so whatever you heard about this girl and him having sex in a closet at a party during a game of truth or is false and Jesse hasn't had sex....that's a good thing too! Sp ignore everything you here....its NOT true:-)

::Rumor:: Is it true that Jesse gets a boner everytime he touches himself in well you know the spot?
::Answer:: LOL I think this is one of the funniest rumors...I really wouldn't even call it a rumor...Well for your answer...I don't really know actually but I will give you a little Fact: When you are a teenage boy you really bone at everything you see and touch...LOL...nasty but true...hmm...I will stop at that.

::Rumor:: Are Chris and Jesse are dating the same person?
::Answer:: haha...that would be interesting...well I don't know the guys status...but I don't think that they are dating the same girl at all.

::Rumor:: Is it true that both Chris and Jesse have there ears pierced?
::Answer:: I have seen Chris wear an earing but I think it was fake and for Jesse I don't think he has for your answer I don't think that they do:-(

::Rumor:: Did Jesse's best friend die?
::Answer:: I have no clue...sorry...That is really sad...I heard a kid in westchester got killed...But that is as far as I heard. I am not sure if he was Jesse's friend but it is sad...So keep this kid in your hearts:-)

::Rumor:: Does Jesse do whippits/gets high?..That's what kids from his school said
::Answer:: Wow! That is sorta like the drug question. I don't know. I highly doubt he does..But it could be possible...anything always is. But I think it's saft to say Jesse is drug free. And don't always believe what people say ..unless you see it for yourself..ya know what I'm talking about. Well I hope everyone has a nice day:-)

::Rumor:: OMGosh I heard that everyone in Dream Street has gotten a head and one of them has lost their virginity?
::Answer:: haha...I really can't say that it is a positive fact. I think they are all vigins and I really don't know how far they have do I really want to know...but anywho that is their personal life. I am sure that it isn't true tho..

::Answer::Well it has been has been said [Hilary was interviewed on MTV2, answering questions from fans. One of the questions was, "Are You Single?" She says she has a thing for Jesse McCartney from the rising pop group, Dreamstreet. She says that they kissed under the mistletoe in December and wants to hook up with him on Valentines Day.]...Well it is NOT true this is what Jesse says about it "I don't know where this whole Hilary Duff thing started....about us dating and kissing under the mistletoe and us being cousins, etc... To set the record straight.....I know who Hilary is, but I have NEVER even met her."....So I hope that clears everything up!!

::Rumor:: Ok I have heard that Jesse is really mean to his fans! Is he? I hear it all the time that he just has a nasty attitude...whats the deal?
::Answer:: Well unfortunetly I will say I have heard more bad stories about Jesse than good ones...but that doesn't mean jack...I think that Jesse was very nice when I met is what Jesse says about the situation..."There may have been some isolated incidents where at a signing I may have been in a bad mood (you know.......up till 2AM after a concert and then waking up early to sign and then signing for hours on hours). A couple of people get mad and start telling everyone on a message board and then all of the sudden it just isn't the two that experienced it, it is someone that says they know of someone who knows of someone, etc... and then it goes on and on and on. I am not the phony friendly kind of guy and I am usually very quiet and not a big laugher, so sometimes people take that for rudeness and being mean. If anyone got that impression, I apologize. I love my fans and REALLY appreciate all their support and kind words!"....I think that says it all!


HAHA!!! Chris's Head On Britneys' Body!!!